Professional Bodies Climate Action Charter

Action Charter

Our commitments to enabling our members to practice sustainably


Our current signatories and supporters


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A Charter for Action

The year of COP26 must be one of turning commitments to action. The challenge ahead is one of scale and complexity. By uniting the bodies representing the UK’s over 6 million diverse professionals, the Charter tackles these problems head-on.

Why professionals?

Professionals from across sectors are inextricably involved with climate action and look to professional bodies for strong leadership and technical and ethical guidance. To date there has been a lack of recognition, resource, and adequate venues to push forward the development of net zero professional networks.

The Professionals Bodies Charter is the solution to this and provides an effective platform where multi-sectoral professionals can work together on climate change.

Professionals in a meeting
Solar Panels

Turning hard work into action

The UK’s professional bodies are already working hard on many ambitious climate initiatives. It is not enthusiasm and expertise that are holding back further action, but resources. The Charter aims not to add to this workload, but to spread this expertise across the sector and ensure it reaches members, with a focus on professional development.

This will maximise the impact of existing work and accelerate the transition to net zero.

Embracing complexity

Professionals are used to complexity. But solving the climate crisis requires stepping beyond traditional professional boundaries and initiating new, multidisciplinary dialogues.

The Charter centralises this discussion to build a new common language for all professions on climate change, to be delivered straight to members and to policy makers. Collectively, we will ensure guidance and advocacy for members is clear, consistent and of the highest standard.

Hedge maze